News Archive

Game developer creates games for doctors | Ep. 161
For years, there existed a church and state separation between the world of video games and business training. Even concepts of ‘gamification’ haven’t much moved the needle when it comes to figuring out new ways to train people beyond papers, lectures and presentations. But with better technology now available, businesses can create “games” that will […]

Gamer Gone Good: The Video Game Studio That’s Advancing the Practice of Medicine
In this episode, video game developer and entrepreneur Sam Glassenberg joins otolaryngologist Dr. Eric Gantwerker to discuss the emerging genre of medical education-based video games and his continual goal of improving user experience

Industry Voices—Truly incluvsive EHR design is within reach
In this week’s episode of “Podnosis,” we explore how video game training can captivate users’ minds while also expediting the adoption of new skills and treatments in medicine. | In this week’s episode of “Podnosis,” we explore how video game training can captivate users’ minds while also expediting the adoption of new skills and treatments […]

18 Transformative Ways Industries are leveraging AR & VR
AR in the OR will be a major win for surgeons and patients. Today, surgeons must constantly correlate what their hands are doing with what they see projected on a distant screen (MRI scans, live endoscopic and/or ultrasound feeds, and so on). With AR, they can see all of this information projected onto the patient […]
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